Tuesday 25 March 2014

My first blog post!!!

This is it, I've taken the plunge. No going back now. I am..... a blogger! I join countless legions of bloggers before me, talking about all range of subjects from topical politics to what they have for dinner each night. This blog will be about birds. I'm not the first (not even close!), won't be the last, and certainly won't bring anything new to the already countless bird blogs out there. The only unique facet is that it is MINE!!
All I'll be talking about are the places I go in my quest to see our feathered friends. I'm not a twitcher (not that there's anything against it) but I mostly pick locations for birding based on
1/ are there actually birds there?
2/ is the weather half decent?
3/ somewhere to answer natures call?
4/ not a million miles away?

I'll try and get some photos going as well, they always go down well. So read on,  hopefully you'll enjoy!!!

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