Saturday 29 March 2014

New Year's Day is better than christmas. It's better than my birthday, any bank holiday Monday or any other holiday we celebrate in the UK. I dare say it's better than the holidays we jealously covert that our American cousins indulge such as Independence Day or Thanksgiving.
For me, the best is good old January the 1st, the day when a new year list begins!!! Suddenly birds that you had (through no fault of your own) become complacent about, are marvellous! Typical comments on this fine occasion are "oh look, a Dunnock!" or  "cool, Greenfinch!". I'm not being derogatory about these birds, it's just the way of things, a Blackbird in December can't compete with a Snow Bunting.
But alas, my 2014 year list began as 2013 had, at my own kitchen window, surveying my garden! The first bird ensnared by my gaze was a Blue Tit, followed quickly by a Starling. By the time my wife had dressed for the day and announced she would rather go out than sit in the kitchen, I had accrued a list of 14 birds! The pick of the bunch, a flyover Sparrowhawk!!! It has to be said, that these are my absolute favourite bird, with their perma angry look and generally aggressive demeanour. Inquiring as to where she had in mind, she announced South Weald Country Park. It's local, beautiful and chock full of woodland birds and wildfowl. I told her she had to drive, so I could try and add another couple of birds to the list on the way. Which I did! 3 to be precise. Mistle Thrush at Shenfield Common, Pied Wagtail by the cathedral and Feral Pigeon in the high street! Upon arriving at our destination, on a fine bright day, we quickly added Jackdaw in the car park, before heading to the lake. I was very chuffed to spot a drake Goosander in amongst the Mallards and Tufted Ducks. The resident Great Crested Grebes were located, but curiously there were no geese. NONE! Ambling to the woodland, we ticked the elusive Treecreeper and Jay. After walking by the conservation lake, adding Common. Gull, we were pleased to nab a Redwing just before returning to the car! This was particularly special, as it was new to the patch list! Final count on day one is 33 species!!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Year Listing.

I, like many other birdwatchers, love indulge in the art of year listing. Most of  you who happen across this blog and decide to read on, will know what this is. However, to the uninitiated, it is as simple as this. You see a bird, you 'tick' it off the list. You may do in any number of ways, but I'm old school, so I simply write it in a note pad. Today's date is March 25th 2014, and my list stands at 130. It was 129 until, looking through it, I noticed a clerical error. I have seen many, many Brent Geese on at least 3 occasions and not listed them! SCANDAL!!! But it gave me another tick, so problem solved!! 130, it must be said, is not a mind blowing number. The hardcore listers will scoff and say, "I had that in two days". My response is thus, well done....  :-|

My early posts will be about bringing the blog up to date, do that my listing goes live (so to speak).

Incidentally, 2014 is only my second year of listing. Last year I ended with 166. If you think that's bad, I can explain. I lost three months due to knee surgery (and subsequent blood poisoning), and for the first two months of the year I didn't have a scope! This year I'll be happy to beat last years total, do that is my goal!

Next Post - New Years Day!!

My first blog post!!!

This is it, I've taken the plunge. No going back now. I am..... a blogger! I join countless legions of bloggers before me, talking about all range of subjects from topical politics to what they have for dinner each night. This blog will be about birds. I'm not the first (not even close!), won't be the last, and certainly won't bring anything new to the already countless bird blogs out there. The only unique facet is that it is MINE!!
All I'll be talking about are the places I go in my quest to see our feathered friends. I'm not a twitcher (not that there's anything against it) but I mostly pick locations for birding based on
1/ are there actually birds there?
2/ is the weather half decent?
3/ somewhere to answer natures call?
4/ not a million miles away?

I'll try and get some photos going as well, they always go down well. So read on,  hopefully you'll enjoy!!!